About Faculty
The Faculty of Arts and Sciences was one of three faculties when The Institute of Higher Technology became a state university named Eastern Mediterranean University in 1986. While it offered undergraduate courses in Physics, Chemistry and Applied Mathematics, and Computer Science in its early years, now in the academic year of 2022-2023 a total of 8 departments offers ten undergraduate, nine master and five Ph.D. programs in the departments of Mathematics, Physics, Chemistry, Biological Sciences, Psychology, Turkish Language and Literature, and Arts, Humanities and Social Sciences to a total of 1840 students. It has so far graduated more than 6000 alumni.
The vision of our faculty: to strengthen its competency in the field of undergraduate education; to reach new goals in graduate studies and to increase its competency of research; and finally to become one of the outstanding faculties in Eastern Mediterranean University, and one of the best Arts and Sciences faculties in the region; by drawing upon 35 years of experience with its faculty members, research means, its international quality and an understanding of progressive development; The Faculty of Arts and Sciences, which offers courses to both its own students and the students of other faculties, has adopted the mission of becoming an educational institution which educates environmentally conscious individuals who are equipped with knowledge and skills to produce novel ideas and technologies; and conducting researches conforming to international standards, and offering services to the society. It also aims at increasing the number of international students in the undergraduate and graduate programs in conformity with its motto "For an International Career" and extending its present collaborations with international universities, institutions, and research centers. Our graduates are continuing their academic and business careers successfully at geographically vast areas extending from the USA to Australia, from Europe to Asia and Africa.
In addition to the Actuarial Sciences (English), Physics (English), Statistics and Computer Sciences (English), Chemistry (English) programs that have been launched within the EMU Faculty of Arts and Sciences in recent years and are unique in the TRNC, Mathematics and Computer Sciences (English) ), English Translation and Interpretation, Molecular Biology and Genetics (English), Psychology (Turkish and English), Turkish Language and Literature (Turkish) programs have been taking place for years. The faculty also has a wealth of postgraduate education opportunities. EMU Faculty of Arts and Sciences; Informatics Systems (without Thesis), Physics (with Thesis), General Psychology (with Thesis), Urban Archeology and Cultural Heritage Management (Turkish with Thesis/Non-Thesis), Chemistry (with Thesis), Mathematics (With The Thesis), Medical Biotechnology (Without Thesis), Turkish Language and Literature (Turkish with Thesis) and Applied Mathematics and Computer (with Thesis) graduate programs. At the same time, it continues to train competent scientists with doctorate programs in Physics, Chemistry, General Psychology, Mathematics and Applied Mathematics and Computer Sciences. EMU Faculty of Arts and Sciences also offers 10 Double Major and 3 Minor programs to provide the necessary infrastructure for EMU students to develop themselves in multiple disciplines and achieve a good career.
EMU was placed in the 501-600 band in the UK-based higher education rating board Times Higher Education (THE) World University Rankings for the 2022-2023 Academic Year, as indicators of the great importance attached to the quality of education and research potential in line with its vision and mission.
EMU Faculty of Arts and Sciences Natural Sciences Departments (Physics, Chemistry, Mathematics and Biological Sciences) has proved their quality in our geographical location by improving to 201-250 band of the Times Higher Education 2023 subfields in "Physics and Astronomy", "Chemistry" , "Geology, Environment, Earth and Marine Sciences" and "Mathematics and Statistics"
The Molecular Biology and Genetics undergraduate program was accredited in 2022 by the international accreditation organization ASIIN, based in Germany. The English Psychology undergraduate program has been accredited by the Turkish Psychological Association until 2024. All undergraduate curricula are prepared in accordance with the principles and values of the Bologna process determined by the Leuven Declaration of 2009. After completing their undergraduate education, our students can take part in the most sought-after professions in the world according to the knowledge and skills they have acquired, they can develop their knowledge in depth with postgraduate education and make a career as an academician in the relevant field or become a teacher by completing their pedagogical formation education.
The Faculty of Arts and Sciences has a sizeable weight in the research infrastructure of our university. Researchers are offered the means of conducting studies and experiments in the labs of our faculty such as General Chemistry, Mechanic, Electricity and Magnetism, General Biology, Molecular Biology and Genetics, Psycho-Biology, Cognitive Behaviour, Computer, Translation and Interpreting, Physico-Chemistry, Instrumental Analysis, Organic Chemistry, Photovoltaic and Thin Film Metrology. In these labs in addition to graduate researches, undergraduate students are trained to develop their experimenting and researching skills. Faculty members are conducting TUBITAK 1001 projects. Faculty members, particularly those of the Departments of Physcis, Chemistry and Mathematics have a remarkable share in contributions in the periodicals indexed in SCI, SSCI and AHCI on behalf of the Eastern Mediterranean University. In our faculty interdisciplinary studies are given importance in the fields such as Bioinformatics and Computational Biology in accordance with the demands of our age. of Arts & Sciences
Vice Dean(s):
Asst. Prof. Dr. MEHMET BOZER

ASIIN: Accreditation Agency for Degree Programmes in Engineering, Informatics, Natural Sciences and Mathematics
Accreditation Agency for Degree Programmes in Engineering, Informatics, Natural Sciences and Mathematics
Accredited Programs: Molecular Biology and Genetics (B.S.) Medical Biotechnology (without Thesis) (M.S.)

TPD: Türk Psikologlar Derneği
Accredited Programs: Psychology (B.S.) Psychology (Turkish) (B.S.)
Faculty of Arts & Sciences,
Aristóteles Street
Eastern Mediterranean University
Famagusta, 99628, North Cyprus
Mersin 10, Turkey
Tel: +90 392 630 1251
Fax: +90 392 365 1604
WhatsApp: +90 533 820 6332