School Details
The School of Computing and Technology (SCT), established in 1979, is the oldest unit of the Eastern Mediterranean University . SCT provides a high-tech education in a fully digital and multicultural environment to its multinational student profile. The teaching language is English in the four year Information Technology Program (BS) and in the graduate program Master of Technology in Information Technology (MTech in IT). However, Turkish language is used as a teaching language in the two-year and three-year course programs. With its excellent facilities coupled with a commitment to excellence in teaching and ''Project-based learning'', the SCT offers a course of study leading to:
An International Student Advisor (ISA) within SCT is available full-time to assist our international students with both academic and non-academic concerns. Also a Student-to-Student Advisory service (S2S) is provided by the Student Assistants in order to help with students' study problems.
The primary goal of the School of Computing and Technology (SCT) is to prepare highly skilled technical human resources demanded by the business, industry and service sectors of today's globalized digital world. To accomplish its primary goal, SCT is committed to equip graduates with the necessary knowledge and skills in their fields of study, through regularly revised project-based learning curriculum, and qualified teaching staff with industrial background. The medium of instruction is English in Information Technology, (BS) and Master of Technology in Information Technology (MTech in IT) , whereas the medium of instruction is Turkish in the two and three year vocational programs. of Computing and Technology
Assistant Director(s):
Asst. Prof. Dr. HASAN OYLUM
We strive to create high-caliber graduates who are:
- Equipped with the latest theoretical and practical skills;
- Experienced in multinational team work environment;
- Comfortable in adapting themselves to different working conditions;
- Capable of utilizing the latest technologies efficiently;
- Aware of new developments in their fields of interest;
- Experts in identifying, analyzing and solving technology related problems;
- Familiar with industrial standards and broadly accepted discipline processes and have a sense of what comprises ethical, reasonable behavior.
After a high-tech education, our graduates become strong candidates for elite and high-income professional positions.

ASIIN: Accreditation Agency for Degree Programmes in Engineering, Informatics, Natural Sciences and Mathematics
Accreditation Agency for Degree Programmes in Engineering, Informatics, Natural Sciences and Mathematics
Accredited Programs: Information Technology (B.S.) Information Technology (Turkish) (B.S.) Information Technology (without Thesis) (M.Tech.) Electrical and Electronics Technology (Turkish) (A.E.E.T.) Electrical and Electronics Technology (Turkish) (H.D.E.E.T.) Construction Technology (Turkish) (A.C.T.) Computer Programming (Turkish) (A.C.P.) Computer Programming (Turkish) (H.D.C.P.) Biomedical Equipment Technology (Turkish) (A.B.E.T.) Biomedical Equipment Technology (Turkish) (H.B.E.T.) Mapping and Cadastral Survey (Turkish) (A.D.M.C.S)

EQANIE: Euro-Inf Bachelor awarded by EQANIE
Euro-Inf Bachelor Quality Label (Awarded by EQANIE-European Quality Assurance Network for Informatics Education e.V.)
Accredited Programs: Information Technology (B.S.) Information Technology (Turkish) (B.S.)

EQANIE: Euro-Inf Master awarded by EQANIE
Euro-Inf Master Quality Label (Awarded by EQANIE-European Quality Assurance Network for Informatics Education e.V.)
Accredited Programs: Information Technology (without Thesis) (M.Tech.)

FIBAA: Foundation for International Business Administration Accreditation
Foundation for International Business Administration Accreditation
Accredited Programs: Accounting and Taxation Applications (Turkish) (A.C.A.A.) Accounting and Taxation Applications (Turkish) (H.D.C.A.A.) Medical Documentation and Office Management (Turkish) (H.D.M.D.O.M.)

EDEXCEL: Higher National Diploma-HND-UK
Member Units: Computing and Technology
School of Computing and Technology,
Eastern Mediterranean University
Famagusta, 99628, North Cyprus
Mersin 10, Turkey
Tel: +90 392 630 1245
Fax: +90 392 365 1574