The Department of International Relations prepares students to understand and contribute to a fast changing and dynamic world. The International Relations undergraduate program is designed to equip our students with the knowledge and applicable skills that will serve them and their communities. Our department also strives to contribute to the wider academic community through original research and publication.
General Information
In the first year of the program there are common courses with other programs of the Faculty which are mainly focusing on theoretical information. In general, a semester is evaluated on the basis of term-papers, a mid-term, and a final examination. In the second year, there are projects in addition to courses with theoretical content. In class discussions, students from various countries are encouraged to participate and experience cultures of other nations. With these projects and discussions, students are given an education which aims to prepare the students to compete in international field.

FIBAA: Foundation for International Business Administration Accreditation
Foundation for International Business Administration Accreditation
International Relations program is designed in such a way that it provides the foundation for students to think theoretically and practically. The curriculum includes a wide spectrum of courses including international relations theory, international political economy, international law, international security, foreign policy analysis and area studies. Globalization, supranational integration and disintegration are common themes, which form the basis of the contemporary debate on world politics. We include many elective courses on the European Union and the Middle East. In conjunction with various centers operating under the Faculty, students can benefit from interaction with renowned scholars and attend international conferences.
International Relations Program offers undergraduate and postgraduate degrees which possess accreditations at the international level.
- An International Relations Club established by the department’s students continues to provide a strong bridge between students and the academic staff. The club also organizes various academic events such as conferences, seminars, field trips and social gatherings.
- Our department offers scholarship opportunities for successful students.
- The Departmental website http://ir.emu.edu.tr is regularly updated and designed to provide students with necessary information related to the department and the program as well as the courses taught.
During the first years, the program offers a general educational approach including courses in the areas of sociology, economics and humanities. In the following semesters, area courses which are built on these courses are introduced in the program.
Career Opportunities
Graduates of International Relations find job opportunities in both in the public and private spheres. Some of them have found employment in the diplomatic field as well as in other public services of their home countries. Among our department’s graduates are notables including the TRNC President Mehmet Ali Talat, Albanian Minister of Justice Aldo Bumci and the TRNC Supreme Court of Justice Member Gönül Erönen. Indeed, many of our graduates now work as diplomats and as specialists in both governmental and nongovernmental international organizations. There is no shortage of job opportunities in the private sector. Our graduates have found employment in media, communications and banking sectors.
Tel: +90 392 630 1401
Fax: +90 392 365 1017
E-mail: fbe@emu.edu.tr
Web: ir.emu.edu.tr