The fundamental mission of the program is to bring up well-qualified and highly-motivated intermediate workforce equipped with theoretical and practical information, possessing the skills to use computers and technology effectively when needed, following the new developments in their area of profession, communicating in a foreign language, easily adapting to changes, effectively working in a team, possessing cultural awareness and professional ethics in catering for the demand from the hospitals and health institutions both in Turkey and the TRNC. The program endeavors to meet the demand for professionals who will deliver high-quality services in the use, maintenance and repair of the biomedical equipment.
General Information
The freshman year focuses on the development of a second language and the introduction and analysis of the sub-fields of the profession through courses training students on the basic electric, electronics, numerical electronics, formation of the biological indicators, measurement of the EEG, EMG and EKG indicators and computer skills. During the second year, courses focus on both theory and application and cover the topics of medical instrumentation, failure in biomedical systems, medical imaging systems and medical applications in private and state hospitals.

ASIIN: Accreditation Agency for Degree Programmes in Engineering, Informatics, Natural Sciences and Mathematics
Accreditation Agency for Degree Programmes in Engineering, Informatics, Natural Sciences and Mathematics
Having gained the approval of the Turkish Higher Education Board (YÖK) and the Higher Education Planning, Evaluation, Accreditation and Coordination Council (YÖDAK), the program offers high quality education through the prominent academic staff and up-to-date technological facilities. The program also offers hands-on practice for students through laboratories and internship opportunities.
The Biomedical Equipment Technology Department boasts two electronics laboratories housing single experiment tables containing an oscilloscope, a power unit and indicator generators for 20 students. The biomedical equipment laboratory offers practice opportunities for students through the EKG, EKG simulation, respiratory rate, EMG, EEG and PCG training sets. The microprocessor laboratory provides students opportunities for Pic training.
Career Opportunities
Graduates of the department serve as intermediate workforce in state or private hospitals, laboratories and companies selling or maintaining medical equipment.
Additonal Information
Tel: +90 392 630 1245
Fax: +90 392 365 1574
E-mail: btyo.bilgi@emu.edu.tr
Web: http://sct.emu.edu.tr