Our Mission
The mission of the Mechanical Engineering Department is the creation, integration, transfer and application of knowledge relevant to the disciplines of mechanical engineering to give students a wide range of areas to express and improve themselves in with their knowledge and skills. The department is also dedicated to responding to the needs of industry with the updated programs. The department is providing help in the mean time to the technological improvement of the area through education and research.
Vice Chair(s):
Assoc. Prof. Dr. DEVRİM AYDIN
Departmental Facilities
- Well equipped, modern laboratories which are used in undergraduate instruction, and for graduate research.
- Well equipped classrooms.
- Excellent computer labs and internet access.
- Mechanical workshops for practical experience.
- Network connections between the laboratories and workshops around the campus.

Accredited Programs: Mechanical Engineering (B.S.) Mechatronics Engineering (B.S.)
Distinguishing Attributes
The Mechanical Engineering Department has the largest population of international students in EMU at present. As a result the English language is the medium of communication between students. Foreign students coming from different cultural backgrounds add variety and color to life on campus. There are good research projects, and a few conferences held in the department and the students can benefit from the activities. Mechanical Engineering English undergraduate program is accredited by the Engineering Accreditation Commission of ABET, http://www.abet.org.
Quality of Graduates
The students graduating from the department enjoy the privilidges of having strong foundations to reflect constantly changing technologies, and of scholarly activities of the highest value. The department is committed to fostering mechanical engineers who are prepared to contribute to their society with reliable basic technological skills and proficiency in their field. The aim is to enable graduates to acquire the technological skills to see things from multiple stand points in global perspective by learning extensively from humanities, social sciences, languages etc., and by mastering an intense academic background in technological knowledge.
Career Opportunities
The education provided to students is based on a blend of theory and practice. The students develop skills that make them competitive in today's job market. The majority of our students begin their professional careers immediately upon graduation or continue with their graduate studies at well-known universities in the USA and UK.
Department of Mechanical Engineering
Department of Mechanical Engineering, Mimar Sinan Street
Eastern Mediterranean University
Famagusta, North Cyprus
Mersin 10 Turkey
Tel: +90 392 630 1210
Fax: +90 392 365 3715
E-mail: me.info@emu.edu.tr
Web: http://me.emu.edu.tr