Our Mission
Established in 1999 and awarded its first degree in 2004, the Department of Educational Sciences of the Eastern Mediterranean University assists teacher candidates in developing skills, knowledge and dispositions required to become effective teachers and school counsellors who continue to learn and develop themselves throughout their careers and are able to adapt to the ever-changing society.
Vice Chair(s):
Departmental Facilities
Our teaching takes place in classrooms all equipped with smart boards. Additionally, there is a room equipped for visually impaired students and a well-equipped library is housed at the Department. To assist students’ personal and professional growth, audio-visual facilities are also provided within the department.

EPDAD: Öğretmenlik Eğitim Programları Değerlendirme ve Akreditasyon Derneği
Accredited Programs: Guidance and Psychological Counseling (Turkish) (B.S.)
Department of Educational Sciences offers two undergraduate and three graduate programs as well as a teaching certificate program:
Teaching Certificate Program
Besides the undergraduate and graduate programs, the department offers a teaching certificate program, designed by Higher Education Council, for those from other disciplines.
Distinguishing Attributes
The Department provides opportunities for students to apply theoretical knowledge into practice in a wide variety of institutions ranging from private and state schools to private education centres.
Major Accomplishments
After awarding its first degree in 2004, many students graduated from the Department of Educational Sciences. Our graduates have secured jobs in a wide range of organizations, both in public and private sectors.
Academic staff is actively involved in research and publishes in national and international journals. The Department of Educational Sciences has also participated in Education Councils held to discuss educational activities and practices in TRNC at all levels of education.
In addition, the Department of Educational Sciences will contribute to the development of all education programs in TRNC including early childhood, elementary and secondary school programs as a requirement of protocol signed by the collaboration of TRNC Ministry of Education, Youth and Culture and Embassy of Republic of Turkey.
Career Opportunities
The students who exhibit success at the end of four years are awarded a diploma (B.A.) in Guidance and Psychological Counselling. An undergraduate degree in Guidance and Psychological Counselling prepares students to provide counselling services in educational institutions, in the private sector, and in their own offices. Our graduates, who have showed distinctive achievements in the program, have also demonstrated excellent performance in their careers. Graduates of our master programmes will have the opportunity to work as an area specialist in educational organizations and institutions as well as faculty members in related programmes at universities.
Department of Educational Sciences
Department of Educational Sciences, Socrates Street
Eastern Mediterranean University
Famagusta, North Cyprus
Mersin 10 Turkey
Tel: +90 392 630 2430
Fax: +90 392 630 4038
E-mail: fedu@emu.edu.tr
Web: http://educ.emu.edu.tr