General Information
The mission of the Radiotherapy Department is to bring up qualified, competent and effective supporting assistants who can work under the supervision of specialist doctors in the field of radiotherapy, which is an important method in the treatment of cancer.
The vision of the Department of Radiotherapy is to provide nationally and internationally recognized and preferred study opportunities by constantly updating its programs in line with the rapidly changing world conditions and through its approach and methods towards science and technology as well as its professional principles and standards.
In line with the technological changes, rapid developments in the tools and equipment used in radiotherapy services necessitate the workforce to update their skills and knowledge in the profession each passing day. For this reason, the Radiotherapy Program at our university has been designed in accordance with the current technological developments, globalization and ever increasing competitive environment.
The study period for a Radiotherapy Technician is two years at the Associate Degree level. First year of the program consists of theoretical courses and the second year focuses on practice courses. Graduates of the program are granted the title of “Radiotherapy Technician”. A Radiotherapy Technician is the health personnel who has the responsibility of applying ionizing beam treatment according to the directives of the radiotherapy specialist and the measurements and calculations of the health physicist and / or specialist. Upon successfully completing this program, students are given the opportunity to transfer to the higher programs sought appropriate by the Council of Higher Education (YÖK). Today, the presence of Oncology Hospitals / Clinics in the Turkish Republic of Northern Cyprus and the increasing number of special diagnosis centers increase the demand for radiotherapy technicians who can work together with radiotherapy specialists and / or radiation physicists. In addition to the radiotherapy program being a first on the island catering for the demand for qualified workforce in this area, graduates of the Radiotherapy Program will be highly demanded both by the private and the public sector, thanks to their skills, talents and qualities provided by the program.
The establishment of the Radiotherapy Program within Eastern Mediterranean University Faculty of Health Sciences provides significant advantages to the department. The cooperation with other departments within the Faculty and presence of laboratories and centers equipped with the latest technology within the building turn the Radiotherapy Program into a privileged choice for students. In addition to all, the program has the additional support of the universities in Turkey (Hacettepe University, Marmara University, İstanbul University, Dokuz Eylül University and Ankara University) and professionals who work at the private and/or public sector in the TRNC.
Tel: +90 392 630 2172
Fax: +90 392 365 3940
E-mail: sbf@emu.edu.tr
Web: http://sbf.emu.edu.tr