Program Objectives
The aim of the the Medical Documentation and Office Management programme is to equip students with a strong foundation so that they will be able to work in the administrative sections in health organizations. The programme supplies dedicated graduates who are practically oriented, immediately useful, and capable of further personal development to the private and public sector. The programme, not only has been designed to provide a balanced education between the theoretical and practical concepts, but also emphasizes the importance of team working and implements team-based projects for this purpose.
The educational objectives of the MDOM programme are as follows:
- to provide a high quality education in the areas of office management, medical documentation, medical information, biostatistics and the use of computer programs for the office
- to develop skills in recognizing and filling medical documents, professionaly typing up a vast array of office documents using appropriate office programs, preparing and retrieving patient files, giving appointments, professionaly organizing meetings and writing up the minutes, and inputting statistical data and making appropriate analyses.
- to provide adequate opportunity for gaining experience in recognizing and filling medical documents, professionaly typing up a vast array of office documents using appropriate office programs, preparing and retrieving patient files, giving appointments, professionaly organizing meetings and writing up the minutes, and inputting statistical data and making appropriate analyses.
- to provide a learning environment that is based on open interaction with experienced staff as well as with an especially designed laboratory in the form of an open office which is equipped with compu
- ters swichboard and telephones, printers and photocopy
Learning Outcomes
The learning outcomes to be attained during the course of study within the MDOM programme are defined based on knowledge, skills and competence.
Each graduate of the programme will:
- have acquired the adequate theoretical knowledge on office management procedures, how to communicate with patients and visitors, and health staff, document writing formats, use of Windows For Word office programs, medical terminology and diseases, and statistics,
- be competent in preparing all types of documents using the correct format and in recognizing and completing relevant medical documents,
- be skilled in using the windows for word programs effectively and efficiently and in dealing and communicating with patients, visitors and health staff.
- be able to demonstrate the ability to participate effectively in the planning and execution of team based projects,
- have a sensitivity to ethical consideration in the medical field (such as rule of ethics and confidentiality).
Tel: +90 392 630 1245
Fax: +90 392 365 1574
E-mail: btyo.bilgi@emu.edu.tr
Web: http://sct.emu.edu.tr