Department of Mathematics offers programs of graduate study leading to the degrees of Master of Science (M.S.) and Doctor of Philosophy (Ph.D.). These programs have been established to enable students with strong research motivation to develop their interests through advanced study. The programs of study and courses are designed as flexible as possible, in order to enable students to shape their studies as far as possible in accordance with their own specific interests. Research activities are conducted in collaboration with prominent universities and institutes in Turkey, Europe the rest of the world.
Admission Requirements
M.S. in Information Systems The Department of Mathematics also offers an interdisciplinary non-thesis master program in Information Systems. The program aims to enable students gaining comprehensive advantages in information systems, information technology and computer science, and to apply the gathered knowledge in different areas of human activities. This program comprises ten graduate-level courses totalling 30 credits and a term project. The Information Systems graduates can continue their academic carrier in the Department of Mathematics at doctoral level in the field of Applied Mathematics and Computer Science.
Research Interests
Mathematics Mathematical analysis, differential equations, approximation theory, stochastic processes, optimal control, functional analysis Applied Mathematics and Computer Science Operational research, numerical methods, modelling and simulation with Petri Nets, bioinformatics, artificial intelligence, soft computing, decision making, neural networks, quantum computation, information data security, geographic information systems
Tel: +90 392 630 1227
Fax: +90 392 365 1314
E-mail: math@emu.edu.tr
Web: http://math.emu.edu.tr