The aim of the IT program is to equip students with a strong foundation in IT related fields. The programme focuses on satisfying the needs of users within an organizational and societal context through the selection, creation, application, integration and administration of computing technologies. In keeping with the vision of Eastern Mediterranean University and the School of Computing and Technology, the Information Technology program aims to be recognized as one of the leading IT education, development, and consultation centers that make use of all current IT technologies, innovative approaches for teaching, learning, and IT solution development.
General Information
The courses in the first year of the curriculum allow students to acquire infrastructure in English, mathematics, business administration and programming. In the second and third years, courses that form the basis of information technologies such as computer networks, operating systems, internet programming, database, system analysis and design, and software engineering are given. In the fourth and last year, students are given many elective courses to help them develop and specialize in the areas of their interest. In addition, graduation projects are developed with selected subjects from the business life to enable students adapt the market more easily.
Information Technology programme has the ASIIN accreditation and Euro-Inf quality label.
ASIIN (Accreditation Agency Specialized in Accrediting Degree Programs in Engineering, Informatics, the Natural Sciences and Mathematics) is one of the most important quality assurance institutions for technical and scientific study programs. Euro-Inf Quality Label is assigned to degree programmes that comply with the Euro-Inf Framework Standards and Accreditation Criteria.

ASIIN: Accreditation Agency for Degree Programmes in Engineering, Informatics, Natural Sciences and Mathematics
Accreditation Agency for Degree Programmes in Engineering, Informatics, Natural Sciences and Mathematics

EQANIE: Euro-Inf Bachelor awarded by EQANIE
Euro-Inf Bachelor Quality Label (Awarded by EQANIE-European Quality Assurance Network for Informatics Education e.V.)
Educational Objectives
The educational objectives of the IT program are as listed below.
- are prepared for careers and/or graduate education (second cycle) in the IT field as it applies to software analysis and design, system development, web and mul-timedia applications, computer architecture, and computer networks.
- have a high quality education in state of the art in programming, system analysis and design, database development and administration, web and multimedia based design and development, and computer architecture, which incorporate open-ended design experiences and the use of hardware and software tools.
- develop skills for effective verbal and written communication, and for participat-ing effectively in the planning and execution of team-based projects, and to foster professional attitudes and awareness of the benefits of life-long learning.
- have a learning environment that is based on open interaction with experienced staff and a curriculum that follows the latest developments in IT field with strong analytical and critical thinking skills as well as practical knowledge compatible with business requirements.
Learning Outcomes
The learning outcomes of the IT program are as listed below.
- Apply problem solving skills, core IT concepts, efficient practices and standards to Information Technologies;
- Identify and evaluate organizational requirements with the current and emerging technologies;
- Select, design, integrate and administer IT-based solutions within an organization-al environment;
- Use strong analytical and critical thinking skills as well as practical knowledge within the field of IT;
- Be equipped with the theoretical background to pursue graduate level (second cy-cle) studies;
- Communicate effectively, both in writing and in speaking;
- Demonstrate the ability to participate effectively in the planning and execution of team-based projects;
- Describe the impact of IT solutions in a global, societal, and ethical context;
- Describe the need for continuous learning;
- Follow the latest developments within the field of IT;
- Use practical skills which is compatible with the business requirements;
- Be broadly educated.
Career Opportunities
Graduates of the program are excellent candidates for employment in IT or other relevant fields both in public and private sectors at various levels. Graduates may also pursue further studies at MS/MBA and PhD levels in IT, business, education or communication related fields as they have the required background/foundation.
Some of the popular IT positions for which the graduates qualify are as follows:
- Web Designer / Programmer / Administrator
- Database Designer / Administrator
- Software Engineer
- Systems Architect
- Systems Analyst / Designer
- Programmer
- Systems Tester
- Project Leader / Manager
- Network Engineer/Administrator
- Information Technology Teacher
Additonal Information
- For detailed description of courses refer to Module Handbook.
- Refer to Student Handbook for a quick guide about admission requirements, curriculum, registering courses, late registration, add/drop courses, repeating courses, course withdrawal, leave of absence, withdrawal from the university, examinations, grading policy and staff members.
Tel: +90 392 630 1245
Fax: +90 392 365 1574
E-mail: btyo.bilgi@emu.edu.tr
Web: https://sct.emu.edu.tr