General Information
The fundamental mission of the Guidance and Psychological Counseling Program is to bring up well-educated professionals who will offer services in the field of Guidance anf Psychological Counseling in elementary and middle schools or in human resources offices in the private sector.
Both students and the graduates of the program are able to follow new developments in their field at international level, thanks to the program being delivered in English, which also enables the graduates to fulfill the English proficiency requirement in their postgraduate studies. Program students are also able to follow the presentations or present papers in English at international conferences and, at the same time, may benefit from student exchange programs within the European Union or other countries. Our graduates not only contribute to the social and emotional development of the society they live in but also to the affective, personal and academic success of the students who study at elementary and middle schools.
Each classroom is equipped with a smart board and computer facilities along with chairs for 25-30 students. Our faculty houses 3 computer laboratories which contain 26 computers each, a psychological counseling room for individual sessions, a psychological counseling room for groups, and a smart classroom. Additionally, the faculty houses a special room fully-equipped for learners with visual impairment. Eastern Mediterranean University Özay Oral Library boasts 3,500 electronic books in the field of education and over 800 books in the area of “Guidance and Psychological Counseling”.
Career Opportunities
Students graduating from the Guidance and Psychological Counseling program will be able to provide counseling and guidance services in schools, private sector, various workplaces and even in their own bureaus. They may also pursue postgraduate studies in universities. Successful graduates demonstrate outstanding performance in professional exams and their individual undertakings.
Tel: +90 392 630 2430
Fax: +90 392 630 4038
E-mail: fedu@emu.edu.tr
Web: http://educ.emu.edu.tr