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Department of Business Administration


The large majority of our students are enrolled in our traditional English-language programs. These include bachelors degrees in Business Administration, International Trade and Business, Management Information Systems, Public Administration, Marketing, and Human Resources Management. In addition, we offer masters degrees in Business Administration (MBA) (with or without thesis) and in Marketing Management (with or without thesis) as well as a doctoral degree in Business Administration which has marketing, human resources management and organisational behaviour, and entrepreneurship as its main areas of concentration.

Some of our students are enrolled in our Turkish-language programs which include bachelors in Business Administration and in İnternational Trade and Business and a masters program in Business Administration (with or without thesis).

Business AdministrationBachelor / B.B.A.4 Business Administration
Business Administration (Turkish)Bachelor / B.B.A.4 Business Administration
Business Administration (with Thesis)Master / M.B.A.1 - 2 Business Administration
Business Administration (without Thesis)Master / M.B.A.1 - 1.5 Business Administration
Public AdministrationBachelor / B.A.4 Business Administration
Business AdministrationPhD / Ph.D.3,5 - 5 Business Administration
Marketing Management (with Thesis)Master / M.A1 - 2 Business Administration
Marketing Management (without Thesis)Master / M.A1 - 1.5 Business Administration
Business Management (Turkish with Thesis)Master / M.A.1 - 2 Business Administration
Business Management (Turkish without Thesis)Master / M.A.1 - 1.5 Business Administration
Human Resource Management (without Thesis)Master / M.A1 - 1.5 Business Administration
International Trade and Business (without Thesis)Master / M.I.B1 - 1.5 Business Administration
Human Resources ManagementBachelor / B.S.4 Business Administration
International Trade and Business (Turkish)Bachelor / B.S.4 Business Administration
International Trade and BusinessBachelor / B.S.4 Business Administration
Management Information SystemsBachelor / B.S.4 Business Administration
Accounting and Financial ManagementBachelor / B.S.4 Business Administration
Management Information Systems - Information Technology Double MajorBachelor / B.S.5 Business Administration
MarketingBachelor / B.S.4 Business Administration
Digital Marketing (without Thesis) **Master / M.A1 - 1.5 Business Administration

Our Mission

Since its inception in 1986, the Business Department has been committed to provide an education that takes into account the diversity of its students and encourages each to develop themselves to their full potential as entrepreneurial and productive individuals ready to assume international careers. Our students are expected to complement their in-class learning with various conferences, seminars, and other faculty activities.


Assoc. Prof. Dr. BURAK ERKUT

Vice Chair(s):

Departmental Facilities

The Business Department lecturers take pride in balancing their research with teaching and student advising and in their focus on ensuring that students develop themselves to their fullest potential. The departmental facilities our students have at their disposal include IT services and facilities, an SAP enterprise resource planning lab, personal academic advice and guidance, conference and workshops, and various student clubs and social activities.


FIBAA: Foundation for International Business Administration Accreditation
Foundation for International Business Administration Accreditation
Accredited Programs: Business Administration (B.B.A.) Human Resources Management (B.S.) International Trade and Business (B.S.) Management Information Systems (B.S.) Marketing (B.S.) Public Administration (B.A.)

Distinguishing Attributes

With more than 1500 students, the Business Department is one of the largest at the university. More than two-thirds of our student intake is from neighbouring countries, developing nations of Africa, Middle-East, and Russia and Silk Road countries. With such diversity and with more than 10000 alumni around the globe, the friendships formed in the department help our students to gain a deeper international outlook and understanding of global business opportunities.

Each year our department hosts numerous conferences, seminars, and workshops that help our students to stay informed about the latest developments on a variety of topics.

Lecturers in our department get to know their students closely and are happy to provide them with one-to-one guidance and advice for their education and future careers.

More than 50 student clubs on campus cater for a wide range of interests and hobbies, however, the out-of-campus student hang-outs, including cafes, restaurants, pubs, gyms, beaches are no less attractive by any means.

Our Achivements

  • We have gained accreditation from the Foundation for International Business Administration Accreditation, FIBAA.
  • We have been named as one of the best 1000 business schools in the world by Eduniversal, an educational consulting firm based in France.
  • In the past, we have been chosen as a “rising star” among 1000 best business schools around the world rankings.
  • We have been one of the first 1000 universities worldwide to become a university partner of SAP, a leading ERP software, and our students are familiarized with SAP and its interface in some courses.
  • We have carried out student exchange program with University of Naples Federico II.
  • We are actively engaged in partnerships with many local and national trade chambers and associations.
  • We organize annual trips to industrial and trade cities of Turkey for our international students to provide them contacts for future trade and entrepreneurship opportunities between their countries and Turkish companies.
  • We invite international organizations to hold conferences in our campus. The latest one is the 24th World Conference of the International Business Development Academy, a leading global platform for entrepreneurship and business development.

Quality of Graduates

The diversity of our student intake also reflects itself in the diversity of career outcomes of our graduates. Furthermore, a unique attribute of almost half of our students is that they do not look for jobs since they go back to assume positions in their family businesses. However, the post-commencement outcomes of the remaining half are as follows. Around a quarter of them continue their masters here, whereas the more successful two-thirds go on to masters programs in United Kingdom, Canada, United States, or other destinations. Some of our top students have gone on to universities such as U of British Columbia, Queen’s University, U of Bocconi, U of Houston. Typically, however, we find our graduates doing masters at universities such as Simon Frazier U., U of Dundee, U of Hertfordshire, Middlesex U., and U of Essex. Having said all these, we do recognize that success of our alumni cannot be easily judged by a common yardstick. For us, what is more important is that our students strive to develop to their full potential. Those who succeed are almost always the ones who stay behind in lectures or come to our offices to ask for advice on what more to read.

Career Opportunities

Business graduates are fortunate in terms of the sheer range of jobs they can apply, ranging from accounting, international trade, marketing, and human resources, to various other positions in private and public sectors. However, the number of business graduates are not too few either. Hence, our graduates often do a masters specializing in a field such as marketing of financial services, international human resources, oil and gas management, or sales and advertising. In addition to academic qualifications, international career and business opportunities, in business-related fields, is dependent on personality, social networks, and trust. Studying in campus with a truly international student intake, such as EMU, is a significant step in this direction.


Department of Business Administration
Department of Business Administration, Jean-Jacques Rousseau Street
Eastern Mediterranean University
Famagusta, North Cyprus
Mersin 10 Turkey

Tel: +90 392 630 1343
Fax: +90 392 365 1017