Our Mission
Special Education Department aims to bring up qualified teachers who can educate individuals with special needs in becoming self-sufficient and autonomous persons in their daily lives. Graduates of this department are expected to know and apply different instructional techniques and methods, provide support services for both individuals with special needs and their families, and work cooperatively with individuals from different professions. Furthermore, they will be able to act sensitively to the field’s problems, work according to the ethical rules of their profession, have the knowledge and skills corresponding the requirements of the information age we are in, and possess all the qualifications of their field and profession.
Vice Chair(s):
Departmental Facilities
The courses in the Special Education Department are offered by qualified academic members who are experts in their fields. There are different courses from different subject areas to help students develop in a variety of ways. For example, courses related to computer education are available to provide students with the opportunity to have an easy access to information and with effective ways of communication. Students can benefit from computer labs designed to serve for this aim. There are also classrooms with projections, and a smart classroom which provides opportunities for a wide variety of technological communication including teleconferencing. Students may also benefit from wireless internet access and take online courses from abroad. The library has contemporary resources from different fields, both in Turkish and English languages. The students are also provided with opportunity to practice what they have learned in theoretical courses and gain experience in their field. Thus, teacher candidates are given the chance to have school experience in inclusive schools and special education schools by working in collaboration with the Ministry of National Education.

EPDAD: Öğretmenlik Eğitim Programları Değerlendirme ve Akreditasyon Derneği
Accredited Programs: Special Education Teaching (Turkish) (B.A.)
Distinguishing Attributes
Department provides opportunities for students to apply theoretical knowledge into practice in wide variety of institutions ranging from private and state schools to private education centres.
Major Accomplishments
The main aim of the department is to train teachers for the special education field who have interdisciplinary approach and research spirit. To this end, academic staff organizes seminars, conferences and workshops about problems as well as innovations taking place in the field of special education to raise the awareness of both students and community about the importance of special education.
Career Opportunities
Graduates of the department may pursue job opportunities as special education teachers at private and state elementary and high schools, special education schools, rehabilitation, counseling and research centers operating under the Ministry of Education both in Turkey and the TRNC. They may also work in administrative positions in schools. Additionally, they may have employment opportunities at the Institute for Social Services and the Protection of the Children. Graduates may also continue their studies at postgraduate level and become specialists or academicians.
Department of Special Education
Department of Special Education, Socrates Street
Eastern Mediterranean University
Famagusta, North Cyprus
Mersin 10 Turkey
Tel: +90 392 630 4068
Fax: +90 392 630 4038
E-mail: fedu@emu.edu.tr
Web: http://educ.emu.edu.tr