Demand for Management Information Systems professionals is high and expected to rise even further in the future. Unlike the graduates of computer engineering/sciences who posses in depth IT knowledge but have difficulty in applying their information technology skills in understanding and solving business and management problems, Management Information Systems graduates possess an extensive knowledge of business, management and IT worlds.
General Information
The Management Information Systems program curriculum places almost equal weight on information technology and business and management. The program covers an extensive range of topics including marketing, production, accounting, finance, human resources and strategic planning as well as computer architecture, programming languages, networks, databases, computer security, and internet programming courses. Through the expertise gained from a vast array of courses, Management Information Systems graduates act as a critical bridge between the business and technology professionals at the organisations they are employed at. Our graduates provide guidance for the specification of customer needs and product marketing at companies offering information solutions and for the specification of information technology needs at public corporations.

FIBAA: Foundation for International Business Administration Accreditation
Foundation for International Business Administration Accreditation
Management Information Systems students differ from others because of the extensive curriculum they follow which includes social science courses such as project management, human resources management and communication, and technical courses such as business process analysis, computer architecture and Internet programming. Such a highly interdisciplinary education demands that MIS students receive more individual attention to overcome their weaknesses and further develop themselves in line with their personal interests and ambitions. At the Faculty of Business and Economics, we take pride in the close rapport we have with our students and strive to do our best to assist each individual to realize their potential to full extent.
The Management Information Systems program is offered within the Faculty of Business and Economics which houses multi-media and regular lecture rooms and 130 personal computers for around 700 students. In addition, students make use of the computer facilities at University’s central computer labs.
Career Opportunities
Management Information Systems undergraduate program graduates are sought by all businesses and organizations which rely heavily on information technology to get things done. Management Information Systems professionals can work on the supply side, in the product design or marketing departments of IT companies which design and sell IT-based products and solutions. Alternatively, they can work in businesses and organizations in a wide variety of sectors, analyzing when, where, and how their organization can make the best use of various IT tools, and preparing and managing IT initiatives for doing so, whilst taking into account such factors as changing market conditions, competitors, finances, and advances in various technologies.
Tel: +90 392 630 1343
Fax: +90 392 365 1017
E-mail: fbe@emu.edu.tr
Web: business.emu.edu.tr