Elementary School Mathematics Teacher Education Program started offering education in 2007. The four-year program offers field courses focusing on students’ chosen profession as well as courses focusing on pedagogic formation and general culture.
General Information
During the first years of the program, the focus is on theory. Following their fifth term, students gain experience both in teaching and learning, thanks to application courses, research projects and community service applications. Along with courses focusing on practice, students are assigned various homework and projects, all enabling them taking an active role in their learning process.
Our department offers a high-quality learning environment enabling students to convert theoretical information into practice. Our fundamental aim is to graduate specialist teachers who, through modern teaching approaches they have gained at the department, will provide a motivating environment for students both to learn and love mathematics.
Our courses are offered by prominent academic staff members who give students opportunities for academic tutorials outside class hours. The University has a modern library which offers field-related books, encyclopedias, dictionaries and periodicals for students. The Elementary School Department also offers internship and field practice opportunities for students at various institutions of education.
Career Opportunities
Program graduates may pursue employment opportunities as mathematics teachers at state or private schools operating under the Ministry of Education. They may also take an active part in projects carried out by the Ministry of Education.
Tel: +90 392 630 4015
Fax: +90 392 365 4038
E-mail: fedu@emu.edu.tr
Web: http://fedu.emu.edu.tr/