Master programs related to Physiotherapy is spread all over the world whereas it is not enough as it should be in our country. However, to fullfil the growing and changing needs of the society , our country needs competent and literate physiotherapists. These master program is aimed to introduced in Turkish language to give relevant education. One another aim is to educate people with quality by following current developments. Moreover, Physiotherapy and Rehabilitation program will be the first master program in this area within our country.
Physiotherapy and Rehabilitation program aims to train professional physiotherapists who are able to increase the quality of human life and help them to be more independent and active. They apply rehabiliation works by focusing on scientific, psychological, physical ,social and environmental factors. This program gives them chance to choose the area that they want to improve themselves and they will be graduated as an expert physiotherapist in specific fields.
Admission Requirements
People who graduated from Department of Phsyiotherapy and Rehabilitation will be able to apply master programs of Phsyiotherapy and Rehabilitation.
Admission requirements of post graduate programs are as follows :
- Bachelor’s degree of related field
- Minimum 55 points of ALES grade ( for citizens of Turkey)
- Certificate of English competence
- Being successful at written and/or oral science examination or at least 2.50 CGPA grade
- Fullfilling the requirements of Post-graduate Education and Research Institution
Research Interests
Department of Physiotherapy and Rehabilitation supplies anatomy laboratories (63.20m2), treatment center laboratories(63.20m2 ) , electrotherapy laboratories (63.20m2 ), health center , biomechanical laboratories of prothesis and orthesis , cardiac rehabilitation unit (12.18m²) and computer laboratories.
Tel: +90 392 630 3067
Fax: +90 392 365 3940
E-mail: sbf@emu.edu.tr
Web: http://sbf.emu.edu.tr