The Master of Arts in International Relations is offered either as a terminal program or in preparation for PhD level studies. Candidates should have obtained a B.A. degree in related fields. It is also a productive degree to be undertaken by mid-career officials from public and private organizations. Furthermore, the M.A. program provides the foundations for a Ph.D. Program. The program is designed to be interdisciplinary, a design which reflects the complexity of the field of international relations, the growing interdependence of social sciences, and the diversity of occupations that graduates are expected to confront in the public and private sectors. Instruction is heavily oriented towards interdependent study and research, entailing critical thinking, debate, and peer feedback.
Admission Requirements
Applicants are expected to satisfy general admission requirements of the Institute. In general, students who wish to pursue a given graduate program in the Faculty of Business and Economics, but have completed a BA/BS in another field may be admitted to the program, subject to successfully completing selected prerequisite courses from the related department.
Research Interests
Conflict resolution; includes a focus on regional issues that includes a focus on Cyprus studies. Foreign policy analysis and strategic decision making with a focus on Turkish affairs(i.e. Turkish foreign policy, Turkey-EU relations, and the Cyprus conflict), as well as broader foreign policy relations, including United States foreign policy, and international diplomacy. Contemporary Middle East issues, including transitions from monarchies to republics and popular demands for change in the Middle East. Global Political Economy; focuses on the impact of globalism/regionalism on society, EU enlargement, and Europeanization. International Law; specializing in international human rights and democratization, international law, settlement of disputes
Tel: +90 392 630 1401
Fax: +90 392 365 1017
E-mail: fbe@emu.edu.tr
Web: ir.emu.edu.tr