The Faculty of Communication and Media Studies offers thesis and dissertation-based graduate programs leading to degrees of Master of Arts (M.A.) and Doctor of Philosopy (Ph.D.) in the broad, transdisciplinary field of Communication and Media Studies.
Communication and information technologies, and global communication networks have had a profound influence on the relationship between political, economic, and social institutions worldwide, and promise to continue affecting these institutional and social relationships at an increasing rate in the foreseeable future. It is imperative that professionally and intellectually prepared students are available to take up, and respond to, the challenges posed by these ongoing developments.
We envision the Faculty of Communication and Media Studies at EMU as actively contributing to the shaping of future human society, to academic scholarship, to a livable environment, to communicative networks that are responsible towards others and the environment, and to the preservation of cultural diversity worldwide. Aligned with this vision, the objective of the graduate program in Communication and Media Studies is to ground students in the theoretical and professional knowledge that they need in order to engage effectively and ethically responsibly in the information and communication age.
Admission Requirements
Applicants to MA should have a B.A. degree in social sciences field with a CGPA greater than 2.5/4.0. For more information please visit http://grad.emu.edu.tr
Research Interests
New Media and Journalism, Radio, TV, Film, Public Relations, Advertising, Media Technologies, Mass Media, Communication Theories, Cultural Studies, Critical Studies, Qualitative/quantitative researches, Audience Studies, Marketing.
Tel: +90 392 630 2352
Fax: +90 392 365 2371
E-mail: metin.ersoy@emu.edu.tr
Web: http://fcms.emu.edu.tr