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8th February Toles Examination Held at The Oldest and Most Experienced Exam Center: EMU

Eastern Mediterranean University (EMU) hosted the Test of Legal English Skills (TOLES) exam. 10 candidates from Turkey and TRNC sat for the exam held at EMU, the most experienced examination centre in the Turkish Republic of Northern Cyprus (TRNC). The TOLES exam, held since 2012 with the joint cooperation of EMU Foreign Languages and English Preparatory School, EMU Faculty of Law and EMU-CEC, provides its candidates both with local and international job opportunities. The exams are taken by lawyers and translators employed in TRNC and Turkey. According to the information from Peril S. Emiroğluları, TOLES Coordinator at EMU Faculty of Law, the group that started its preparations for the TOLES exam in November 2018 also successfully completed the EMU Faculty of Law elective courses TOLES 1-2-3-4. Emiroğluları stated that the next exam will be in June 2019 and that the registration process has commenced.

What Did the Exam Takers Say?

Ebru Kara

Ebru Kara

TOLES courses being offered as a programme at EMU Faculty of Law is a first for TRNC. As a graduate benefiting from this opportunity, can we ask about your opinion on the matter?

“This is a big opportunity for us. Even in Turkey, TOLES courses are given only in one place in İstanbul. This opportunity, presented to us by EMU, opens new doors for us”.

Why did you take the English TOLES exam? How do you think it will contribute to your field?

“I want to specialise in International Law. Therefore, I will encounter international people in my career. I will have to have to utilise law related terms in English. TOLES  presents us with this opportunity. This way, both our job opportunities and other people’s field related trust increase.

Hüseyin Onurcan Aydın

Hüseyin Onurcan Aydın

TOLES courses being offered as a programme at EMU Faculty of Law is a first for TRNC. As a graduate benefiting from this opportunity, can we ask about your opinion on the matter?

“I believe that this opportunity, not presented in many universities in Turkey, being accessible in EMU is a significant privilege. It will contribute to our future careers. Not everyone can become experts in all legal fields. This opportunity, presented by EMU, will aid those who will practice law in Turkey or in the international field”.

Why did you take the English TOLES exam? How do you think it will contribute to your field?

“Above all, we receive an international certificate proving our adequacy in Law in the English language. This paves the way for us if we want to work for international firms or with international persons. On the other hand, International Law is a field open for development in Turkey. As I wish to become an expert on it, the TOLES certificate will help me in this field”.