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Former Faculty Member Prof. Dr. Steve Bosworth Delivers a Seminar in EMU

A seminar titled “Super Equality for Each Citizen’s Vote in the Legislature” which was organized by Eastern Mediterranean University (EMU), Department of Political Science and International Relations took place on the 16th of November 2016.The seminar was chaired by Assist. Prof. Dr. Berna Numan, who delivered an opening address introducing Prof. Dr. Stephen Bosworth to the audience.

Prof. Dr. Stephen Bosworth is a former faculty member of Eastern Mediterranean University. He received his B.A. in Political Science from the University of Michigan, and a PhD from the University of London. He lectured at the University of Portsmouth (UK), Cabrillo College (California) and during his tenure at Eastern Mediterranean University, he offered various courses on Political Thought and Philosophy, Modern Ideologies, Comparative Politics, Research Methods, and Ethics. He also worked as a U.S. Peace Corps Volunteer in Ghana, teaching Mathematics and General Science. Prof. Dr. Bosworth is the author of: Hegel’s Political Philosophy (The Test Case of Constitutional Monarchy).

Stephen Bosworth

Focusing on the electoral system and democracy,Prof.Dr. Bosworthbriefly explained the kind of system that can allow the voters to use their own citizen’s rights. Additionally, he questioned how democratic system can regulate the electoral system by giving certain examples. He also touched upon the Associational Proportional Representation (APR) and also the Highest Majority Judgement (HMJ) by focusing single winner and multi-winner in the electoral system. Later on, the presentation focused on the Presidential System of the USA. The floor was open the each audience’s opinion, so the seminar continued in the question-answer format.

The seminar that attracted a large group of participants ended with Prof. Dr. Bosworth answering the audience’s questions.