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EMU Fine Arts Education Department Students Held an End-Of-Year Event

As part of the end-of-year activities, the Eastern Mediterranean University Faculty of Education, Fine Arts Education Department, Music Teaching Program recently held an end-of-year concert at the Rauf Raif Denktaş Culture and Congress Center.

In his opening speech at the concert, the Head of the EMU Fine Arts Education Department, Prof. Serdar Çetin Aydar, provided information about the Music Teaching program and expressed his gratitude to all faculty members for their valuable efforts throughout the year. Prof. Aydar, stating the need for a better curriculum for better education, conveyed that a new curriculum program has been prepared, approved, and implemented in this context. Prof. Aydar, emphasizing that the department, which is the first music teaching program in Cyprus, also received great interest in its postgraduate program, stated that they expect this interest to increase. Prof. Aydar, who said that they are making efforts to take the education to better points in all aspects, emphasized that EMU cooperates with various art institutions. Prof. Aydar stated that constant efforts to be more qualified as a department continue and, conveyed that quality education continues with a qualified staff and this is certified by EPDAD.

The Dean of EMU Faculty of Education, Prof. Dr. Ahmet Pehlivan, in his speech, stated that teaching is a craft, and it could only be achieved through practice and a master-apprentice relationship, emphasizing that the program that best achieves this at the faculty is the Music Teaching Program. Prof. Dr. Pehlivan, stating that they are trying to raise contemporary teachers for the future as the Faculty of Education, conveyed that the basic principle is to achieve lifelong learning. Prof. Dr. Pehlivan, conveying that 21st-century teachers are expected to train their students according to changing education paradigms, stated that academic structure / academic quality, quality of learning and teaching services, and service to society should be interconnected in education faculties. Prof. Dr. Pehlivan, stating that EMU Faculty of Education cooperates with educational institutions in Northern Cyprus, also emphasized that the Music Teaching program also cooperates with many important art institutions and signs various organizations.

EMU Vice Rector for Student Affairs, Prof. Dr. Hüseyin Aktuğlu, welcoming everyone who attended the night, emphasized that higher education in Northern Cyprus began with EMU and that labor has been given in this field for 44 years. Prof. Dr. Aktuğlu, stating that they have adopted the principles of quality, work, and catching up with world standards, conveyed that EMU is the pride of higher education in Northern Cyprus, achieved the firsts, and illuminated other universities. Prof. Dr. Aktuğlu, stating that the EMU Music Teaching program is the pride of the university with the effort put in, the patience demonstrated, and the achievements in both theoretical and practical lessons, thanked everyone who did not withhold their efforts from the students. Prof. Dr. Aktuğlu, stating that labor always brings success, underlined that today it will be witnessed how the students' efforts turn into a success. At the end of his speech, Prof. Dr. Aktuğlu wished all students success in their end-of-year shows.

After the opening speeches, the students successfully performed solo, chamber music, and choral pieces from the Classical Western Music and Turkish Folk Music repertoire in the concert."