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EMU Faculty of Dentistry’s Vice Dean and Thalassemia Specialist Prof. Dr. Şükrü Tüzmen Released a Statement on International Thalassemia Day

Eastern Mediterranean University (EMU) Faculty of Dentistry’s Vice Dean and Thalassemia Specialist Prof. Dr. Şükrü Tüzmen released a statement on the International Thalassemia Day. The statement of Prof. Dr. Tüzmen reads as follows:


“When the Human Genome Project was completed, the functions of numerous genes were identified, but the functions of others are still awaiting discovery. Advanced new technologies in molecular and cellular biology allow us to investigate these intriguing complex interactions between genes. Thalassemia syndromes constitute a group of various inherited disorders characterized by inadequate synthesis or absence of one or more globin chains. They are classified depending on the affected globin chain or chains. Beta-thalassemia refers to a group of inherited hemoglobin disorders characterized by decreased or absent production of the beta globin chain. Although known as single gene disorders, hemoglobinopathies such as Beta-thalassemia and Sickle Cell Anemia have not been fully resolved in terms of treatment considering the less complex structure of the beta globin gene family. Currently, there are no definitive treatment options available for patients with Beta-Thalassemia and Sickle Cell Anemia, and new approaches are urgently needed to understand the pathogenesis of these devastating diseases.


Education is crucial across the population, particularly in regions where hemoglobin disorders are most prevalent worldwide. Cost-effective services for the treatment and prevention of hemoglobin disorders are inevitable. Additionally, it should be emphasized that educating the public about the notion of blood donation and linking it to routine practices at regular intervals can both save lives and enable donors to lead healthier lives.


Beta-thalassemia is a significant public health issue in Cyprus and Turkey. Hematologists should collaborate with molecular biologists and genetic experts with doctoral degrees to discuss molecular diagnostic approaches contributing to the resolution of population-specific mutations in the beta-globin gene and brainstorm DNA-based solution approaches. In Northern Cyprus, while presenting approaches in molecular diagnostic strategies for combating Beta-Thalassemia and Sickle Cell Anemia, hematologists should engage in search for solutions in collaboration with molecular biology and genetics experts specialized in thalassemia who have doctoral degrees and have worked directly with thalassemia patients. However, only through this collaborative interdisciplinary effort can new approaches be developed to eradicate Alpha and Beta-Thalassemia and Sickle Cell Anemia.”