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EMU Educational Sciences Department, Teaching The Mentally Handicapped Program Students Highlight the Week for the Visually Impaired

Students of Eastern Mediterranean University, Education Faculty, Educational Sciences Department, Teaching the Mentally Handicapped Program organised an activity highlighting the importance of the Week for the Visually Impaired. Observed between 7 and 16 January, the said week aims to make each member of the community aware of the difficulties disabled people encounter during their daily lives.

Within the framework of the said activity, students first gathered at EMU Atatürk Square and walked towards EMU Dormitories while pretending that they are visually impaired. Academic staff member at Teaching the Mentally Handicapped Program Hatice Bayraklı stated that the organisation demonstrated that the actual problem is not caused by being visually impaired but is to do with the problems and barriers caused by the environment.

Students’ Comments

Onur Çakır – Teaching the Mentally Handicapped Program 3rd Year Student

We tried to understand how impaired individuals feel by taking the role of a visually impaired person and walking from EMU Atatürk Square to the dormitories region. I believe this organisation contributed to our understanding of how disabled individuals feel and survive in a world full of barriers created by their surroundings. We should always keep in mind that disabled individuals have rights, too.

Elif Tunçel - Teaching the Mentally Handicapped Program 3rd Year Student

The aim of this organisation was to understand the feelings of disabled individuals when they encounter difficulties caused by their surroundings. We tried to explore the difficulties that a person may encounter while walking with their eyes closed. Unfortunately, we discovered that too many barriers caused by our surroundings exist.

Burcu Topal - Teaching the Mentally Handicapped Program 4th Year Student

We have a lot of handicapped individuals around us so we took part in this organisation to observe the difficulties they encounter in our environment. Our participation in this activity provided us with a better understanding of environmental barriers. It also raised our awareness regarding the issue.