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EMU Department of Physics Significantly Contributes to Ca18108 Cost Project of the European Union

Eastern Mediterranean University (EMU), Faculty of Arts and Sciences, Physics Department Head Prof. Dr. İzzet Sakallı and faculty member Assoc. Prof. Dr. Ali Övgün have made valuable contributions to the European Union’s esteemed COST Action project, CA18108 - Quantum Gravity Phenomenology in the Multi-Messenger Approach (QG-MM). Through their efforts, they successfully represented EMU in European Union projects and made a significant contribution to the international scientific community. Their work further solidifies EMU’s active involvement in research aimed at better understanding the fundamental laws of the universe.


As part of COST Action CA18108, the article titled “Roadmap White Paper and Roadmap for Quantum Gravity Phenomenology in the Multi-Messenger Era”, published in Classical and Quantum Gravity, a prestigious journal of the Institute of Physics, was highlighted as the leading paper of the issue. This article, authored by R Alves Batista et al. (2025, Class. Quantum Grav. 42 032001), focuses on Quantum Gravity Phenomenology in the Multi-Messenger Era. Prof. Dr. İzzet Sakallı, Head of the Department of Physics, and Assoc. Prof. Dr. Ali Övgün from EMU Physics Department were among the authors, successfully placing the EM Department of Physics among the renowned institutions contributing to the European Union project.


Through their academic contributions to the project, Assoc. Prof. Dr. Övgün contributed 30 papers, while Prof. Dr. Sakallı contributed 6 papers to support the COST Action. These papers have become a key resource for advancing both theoretical and experimental research in the field of quantum gravity phenomenology.


Prof. Dr. Sakallı was invited as a guest speaker and faculty member at the “Quantum Aspects of Spacetime and Gravity” conference, held from 5-9 September, 2022, at the Ruđer Bošković Institute in Croatia. This event was a key activity of COST Action CA18108, and Prof. Dr. Sakallı’s presentations garnered significant interest. Furthermore, Prof. Sakallı took part in the closing conference of CA18108, which took place in Rijeka, Croatia, from11-14 July, 2023, where he delivered a scientific talk.


What is CA18108 Project?

The CA18108 Project offers an innovative framework for investigating the universe through the multi-messenger approach. The project focuses on identifying physical phenomena in quantum gravity theories by examining cosmic particles (photons, neutrinos, cosmic rays) and gravitational waves. A primary goal is to develop phenomenological models that may incorporate effects at the Planck scale, a major objective in this emerging field of physics. The project aims to bring together theoretical and experimental research teams to predict and identify physical events linked to quantum gravity theories. Moreover, one of the project’s key objectives is to cultivate a new generation of experts in this specialized field.