The program has been developed in collaboration with Graduate Program in Conservation of Cultural Heritage, METU and Design and Culture Section, Design Department, Politecnico di Milano and will be conducted by Eastern Mediterranean University (EMU) Department of Architecture in collaboration with the Faculty of Architecture, METU and Design Department Politecnico di Milano.
In the last century, rapid development and growth, the two most featured concepts, have been attempted to be balanced by preservation of cultural values and cultural identity. Conservation of cultural heritage buildings and sites became one of the challenges of this endeavor.
The main objectives of the MS in Cultural Heritage Studies in EMU is to provide a postgraduate education in ‘Cultural Heritage Studies’, which is one of the most featured topics in Architecture in recent decades, as an interdisciplinary field. Students, who will be enrolled in this program will be able to accomplish advanced studies in various research subjects under ‘Cultural Heritage’, jointly with other fields like ‘tourism’, ‘economy’, ‘planning’, ‘sustainability’, ‘management’, ‘archaeology’ etc.
The variety of the academic backgrounds of enrolled students (Architecture, Interior Architecture, Building Science, Landscape Architecture, City Planning, and Urban Design, Archaeology) will also contribute to the interdisciplinary framework of MS in Cultural Heritage Studies Program. Students will be encouraged to pursue their studies in an interdisciplinary manner, upon their academic backgrounds.
Due to the interdisciplinary and collaborative nature of this cultural heritage studies, the graduates of this program will be able to work in different fields and institutions, such as governmental bodies, NGO’s and private sector that are involved in cultural heritage conservation.
With its interdisciplinary and flexible framework, the MSCH Program in EMU make a difference, as one of the modern approaches in the field of cultural heritage studies, by training students from different countries. Both comparative studies and academic cooperation will be encouraged by the program.
Admission Requirements
Applicants to joint MSCHS program should have a bachelor of science / art degree in Architecture, Interior Architecture, Building Science, Landscape Architecture, City Planning, and Urban Design, Archaeology or a bachelor’s degree in any other relevant sciences which will require completion of certain deficiency courses. Applicants of the Program should have a bachelor´s degree with a CGPA greater than 2.5/4.0.
Research Interests
Conservation of Cultural Heritage Sites and Buildings, Conservation of Historic Building Materials, Structures of Architectural Heritage, Archaeological Heritage Management, Cultural Landscapes, Cultural Routes, Cultural Tourism, Earthen Architectural Heritage, Energy and Sustainability in Cultural Heritage Conservation, Economics of Conservation, Interpretation and Presentation of Cultural Heritage Sites, Fortifications and Military Heritage, Heritage Documentation, Historic Towns and Villages, Intangible Cultural Heritage, Legal, Administrative and Financial Issues in Cultural Heritage Conservation, Risk Preparedness, Theory and Philosophy of Conservation and Restoration, 20th Century Heritage.
Tel: +90 392 630 1049 / 2266
Fax: +90 392 365 4910
E-mail: ege.ulucatumer@emu.edu.tr
Web: http://arch.emu.edu.tr