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9th Tourism Graduate Students Research Congress

Rauf Raif Denktas Culture and Congress Center

The congress is organized to contribute to the academic development of students who are studying in tourism and related fields and to support the dissemination of tourism among them through an interdisciplinary approach. The Congress will be held in Gazimağusa, Turkish Republic of Northern Cyprus on 5 - 8 April 2018.

The thesis studies and researches prepared in the subjects related to tourism (including health, food engineering, education, anthropology, nutrition, landscape architecture, communication, planning as well as business, economic, geographical, sociological, psychological, environmental, political, religious, legal, recreational and architectural dimensions) can be sent to the congress.

Graduate Thesis Session; The graduate theses which are examined tourism subjects or application areas will be presented in this session. 

Thesis/dissertations: Open only for graduate students (e.g. MA, M.Sc., MBA, MPhil, PhD) to reflect the summary of their thesis or dissertations in terms of the development of hypotheses and methodology and showing the way how it may contribute to the existing literature.

Research papers: Open both for graduates and faculty members who are encouraged to submit both their work-in-progress or completed papers designed either as conceptual or empirical. This category welcomes the submission of papers with single or multiple author/s.

Documentary Session

For the first time this year, documentary screenings will be held in tourism and related areas. The documentaries must be prepared according to the criteria determined on the relevant page.

Important Dates

Deadline for submitting papers: March 1, 2018

Announcement of Congress program: March 15, 2018

Congress Date: 5 - 8 April 2018

Venue:  Rauf Raif Denktas Culture and Congress Center

For more information, please visit the website of the congress: