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Data Structures (CMPE231)

Primitive data structures. Structures: Array of structures, nested structures, operations on structures. Address calculation and dynamic memory allocation. Stack as an abstract data type, primitive stack operations, implementation of stacks. Infix, postfix, and prefix notations; infix-to-postfix conversion using the stack. Recursion and recursive function definition. Recursion versus iteration; examples: Factorial function, Fibonacci sequence, binary search, the towers of Hanoi problem. Queue as an abstract data type, circular queue, primitive queue operations, implementation of queues. Linked lists, circular linked lists, doubly linked lists, primitive linked list operations, implementation of linked lists, linked list implementation of stacks and queues. Binary trees, operations on binary trees, tree traversals, binary search trees, operations on binary search trees, tree representation of expressions. Searching and sorting algorithms. The “O” notation. Heaps and heap operations. Hash tables, collision resolution. C programming language will be used for the implementations.

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