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Prof. Shizuo Kaji Meets with EMU Department of Mathematics Students

The 11th International Career Days organized annually by the Eastern Mediterranean University (EMU) Alumni Communication and Career Research Directorate (EMU-MIKA) with the collaborations of the faculties and the schools continued with an event held at EMU Arts and Sciences Faculty, Department of Mathematics. During the event that took place at faculty amphitheater, Prof. Shizou Kaji from Institute of Mathematics for Industry in Kyushu University, Japan met with EMU Arts and Sciences Faculty, Mathematics Department academics and students.  

During “The Topology and Geometry of a Closed Kinematic Linkage” seminar, Prof. Kaji touched on the connection between paper folding art origami and mathematics. Stating that the subject is very interesting because it covers many areas of mathematics, Prof. Kaji also explained that this application is also used in industrial fields such as engineering and analysis of toys. Moreover, Prof. Kaji also showed applied examples of origami art during the event. In the seminar, Prof. Kaji talked on his career journey and answered the questions of academic staff members and students.