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Applied Education Program at EMU for Dr. Fazıl Küçük Industrial Vocational High School Students

Dr. Fazıl Küçük Industrial Vocational High School students visited the School of Computing and Technology (SCT) at the Eastern Mediterranean University (EMU).

Applied Education Program at EMU for Dr. Fazıl Küçük Industrial Vocational High School Students  

Under the supervision of EMU-SCT academic personnel, the students used the circuit design programs ISIS and ARES.

Applied Education Program at EMU for Dr. Fazıl Küçük Industrial Vocational High School Students

Applied Education Program at EMU for Dr. Fazıl Küçük Industrial Vocational High School Students

They also drew electronic circuit diagrams and carried out copper plate printing with LPKF Laser and Electronics PROTOMAT S63 equipment.

In addition, students carried out practical experiments in the field of Biomedical Device Technology using the KL-730 Measurement Training System. After carrying out the experiments the students clearly understood the electrical characteristics of sensors and converters.

Applied Education Program at EMU for Dr. Fazıl Küçük Industrial Vocational High School Students

Applied Education Program at EMU for Dr. Fazıl Küçük Industrial Vocational High School Students

In a statement, EMU-SCT Director Prof. Dr. Mustafa İlkan highlighted that there isn’t a policy for transition to a higher education system based on guidance stating that vocational education isn’t at desired levels. Stating that with such activities they aim to provide motivation for students of vocational high schools, Prof. Dr. İlkan highlighted that vocational education’s place in the countries’ education system should be re-designed. Prof. Dr. İlkan indicated that they volunteer to participate in any platform where vocational education will be discussed emphasizing that vocational education will play an important role in solving unemployment, one of the most important problems facing young people in the country today.

Indicating that fields in vocational education should be diversified, areas analysed, requirements identified and occupational standards applied according to the country and our model Prof. Dr. İlkan stated that they can contribute to such work without getting politics involved, solely with an understanding to provide service to young people in the country.