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A workshop and Seminar by EMU-PDRAM

Eastern Mediterranean University Psychological Counseling, Guidance and Research Center (EMU-PDRAM) organised a workshop and a seminar within the framework of the community service and support projects.

The seminar entitled “Communication with the Adolescent in the Millenium Age: Do We Have the Right Connection?” was organised towards the teachers and students of Nicosia Fine Arts High School and took place in Atatürk Congress Center. The seminar which covered topics on healthy adolescent development, methods for establishing healthy communication with adolescents, and risky adolescent behavior was delivered by the chair of EMU-PDRAM Assoc. Prof. Dr. Biran Mertan and EMU-PDRAM specialist psychiatrists Fatoş Bayraktar and Hatice Tüfekçioğlu.

EMU–PDRAM also organised a workshop entitled “Communication and Trauma” for EMU Search and Rescue Club members in EMU PDRAM seminar room. During the workshop, the nature of trauma and traumatic events and methods for healthy communication with individuals who have been exposed to traumatic situations were presented and discussed The workshop which was delivered by EMU-PDRAM Chair Biran Mertan and EMU-PDRAM specialist psychiatrist Özlem Güler were participated by 25 EMU Search and Rescue Club members who received certificates of participation at the end of the workshop. EMU-PDRAM stated that the workshop was organised for a limited number of EMU Search and Rescue Club members and will be repeated for a larger audience at a later date.