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9 Academics From EMU Ranked Within The Top 1000

Operating under the Spanish National Research Council (CSIC) and carrying out research on about 20,000 universities throughout the world, Spanish - centered  “Webometrics ” published ‘Rankings of the Top “1000” Scientists in Turkish Institutions’ according to their Google Scholar Citations (GSC) public profiles.

The rankings were based on data collected during the third week of December 2014 from the public profiles of researchers working in Turkish (Turkey, Europe/Asia) institutions. It is a BETA Ranking of the scientists according to their declared presence in the Google Scholar Citations database. The list consists of the Top 1000 profiles ranked first by h-index in decreasing order and, when ties appear, then by the total number of citations as a secondary criteria.

Following are the rankings of 9 academicians from Eastern Mediterranean University:

Tourism Faculty academic staff member Prof. Dr. Osman M. Karatepe 106th;  Electrical and Electronics Engineering Department chair Prof. Dr. Hasan Demirel 178th, Mathematics Department chair Prof. Dr. Nazim Mahmudov 182nd, Electrical and Electronic Engineering Department academic staff member Prof. Dr. Osman Kükrer 611th, Physics Department Chair Prof. Dr. Mustafa Halilsoy 631st,  academic staff member Assoc. Prof. Dr. Rodriguez Andres who worked at Economics Faculty during the 2013-2014 Academic Year 764th, Industrial Engineering Department academic staff member Prof. Dr. Bela Vizvari 825th, Banking and Finance Department academic staff member and Vice Rector Prof. Dr. Salih Katırcıoğlu 888th and Computer Engineering Department academic staff member Prof. Dr. Hasan Kömürcügil 907th.

Google Scholar is a free very large bibliographic database that is especially useful for bibliometric purposes as it provides the number and lists of citations received by the items included. Its current size is over 160 million unique documents, many of them with links to openly available full-text versions.

While most academic databases and search engines allow users to select one factor (e.g. relevance, citation counts, or publication date) to rank results, Google Scholar ranks results with a combined ranking method, weighing the full text of each article, the author, the publication in which the article appears, and how often the piece has been cited in other scholarly literature. As a consequence the first search results are often highly cited articles.